40FINGERS "DNN Framework Attributes" Demo Skin

Page skin: 40F Skin Demo Framework-Attributes // 03.00-Demo-Skin-Attributes-Skin-Container.ascx

    This skin shows you some of the DNN Framework data you can use in your skins (just like you can use <%=SkinPath%>)
    The part between <%= and %> will be replaced dynamically by the Framework.
    Everything in Blue is the dynamic result of the Token mentioned on the previous line
    These are supposed to be used in ASCX skins.

    If you have any remarks or questions, please let me know.

    2017-05-24, Timo Breumelhof

    Skin and Container

    Page skin (full path) = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc
    Page container (full path) = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.ContainerSrc