The Breadcrumb Theme Object displays the path to the currently selected page in the menu structure like this:
RootPage > SubPage > SubSubPage
The starting level, separator and styling are configurable.
uid: breadcrumb
locale: en
title: Breadcrumb Theme object
dnnversion: 09.02.00
previous-topic: theme-objects
next-topic: contentpane
related-topics: theme-objects,themes,create-theme
# Breadcrumb Theme Object Introduction
The Breadcrumb Theme Object displays the path to the currently selected page in the menu structure like this:
RootPage > SubPage > SubSubPage
The starting level, separator and styling are configurable.
**Current Version:** 01.00.00
> [!NOTE]
> When you need even more control, you can also create breadcrumbs using a DDR menu template.
## Include in Theme
### ASCX
``` html
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="Breadcrumb" Src="~/Admin/Skins/breadcrumb.ascx" %>
<dnn:Breadcrumb runat="server" id="dnnBreadcrumb" />
### HTML Token
### HTML Object Token
``` html
<object id="dnnBREADCRUMB" codetype="dotnetnuke/server" codebase="BREADCRUMB">
| Attribute | Description | Default | Posssible Values | DNN Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Separator | The separator between breadcrumb links. | Arrow Image | String | 01.00.00 |
| CssClass | CSS Class of the SkinObject | SkinObject | Valid CSS Class Name | 01.00.00 |
| RootLevel | The root level of the breadcrumb links. | 1 | Valid values include:<br/>-1 : show word “Root” and then all breadcrumb tabs<br/>0 : show all breadcrumb tabs<br/>(Integer > 0) : skip n breadcrumb tabs before displaying | 01.00.00 |
| UseTitle | Use the PageTitle instead of PageName | False | True / False | 01.00.00 |
## Examples:
### Default
Default implementation.
<dnn:Breadcrumb runat="server" id="dnnBreadcrumb" />
### Separator
Change the Separator used for Breadcrumbs
<dnn:Breadcrumb id="dnnBreadcrumb" Separator=" > " runat="server" />
### Options
Change Separator, Css Class, Root Level and use Page Title instead of Page Name
<dnn:Breadcrumb id="dnnBreadcrumb" Separator=">" CssClass="breadcrumb" RootLevel="1" UseTitle="true" runat="server" />